Monday, 11 December 2017
Monday, 4 December 2017
summer Learning Journey
I like Australia because the green and gold. Australia is the close to New Zealand. I want to go there because they are beet then as at rugby Australia his kangaroos the city's in Australia are Canberra (Capital), Sydney, Brisbane, Perth, Melbourne, Adelaide
Andrews Fifita was born in Australia.
Wednesday, 15 November 2017
film festival
We went to Sylvia park. When we got inside of the movies tamaki primary was at the movies too. We watched our class movie I was Peter Pan. My favorite movie was the place I call home. It was made by tamaki primary in the movie a girl lives in a car with her mum. I also liked room 24 the movie is about the adult. The children asked them to stop making a mess of the world and to stop all of the fights. A school called glen taylor did a Harry Potter movie. At the end we walk to the red carpet and we went on the bus back to pt england school. the film festival was cool.

Monday, 13 November 2017
Tuesday, 7 November 2017
Pen Pal Video
Dear Corey,
Thank you for the letter. This term we are making musical with a recorder and we made
Shakers. I was so happy and we are making a movie with hyperstudio. We have been doing a movie for film festival, I am Peter.
From Hendrix
Friday, 27 October 2017
Thursday, 26 October 2017
We got into a circle after that Miss Davis got a recorder and she told us here to but are hands and fingers. After that we did some notes. We did a C and a D the class was so loud they woke me up I was so happy.
We got into group I was with my friend kris and we Were doing the d and c. After we went to the mat
and we did it one by one I was happy.
Friday, 20 October 2017
Thursday, 19 October 2017
Musical madnness
At the start of school Room 14 walked in a line with our hands behind
our back to the hall. We saw a crazy man it was Mr J he was wearing a wig on his head. Next we sat down on the ground and watched team 3 I saw my teacher swinging on the chandelier they were singing songs.
Next we saw team 5 they watched a movie. The movie was lion king. The teacher pretended to be a family. Then it was it the start of the movie and they were watching it with different
songs. One of the girls said “It is scary” and another girl said “don't let him go.” They had Popcorn in a cup when they watch the movie.
Finally a band did a song for us it was called musical madness.
Mr S was on the drums and Mr Burt and Mrs Nua and Mr J were singing it. At the
end of the assembly we went back to class. The assembly was so cool because
I got to see all of the teams I really like team 4 .
Thursday, 28 September 2017
Duffy books
Today we got Duffy books I got spiderman home coming and my little sister Doris. I was so happy. Thank you Duffy for my books.
Wednesday, 27 September 2017
the flounder
We went to the beach I saw the big kids and the another school could Kauai flats as they caught flounder. We have to beat their score we saw some worms. we sang some songs and I saw some of the big kids and we walked back to Pt England school. I felt sad because I didn't see the flounder .
Friday, 22 September 2017
Design your own Rocket
My rocket ship has a big fat orange butterfly wings and it as eyes and a hat. It is blue and orange and it has three windows. On the bottom are rocket boosters it is red. My rocket is fast and it can go out of earth in 10 seconds.
As I walked into the rocket ship I was happy. Then I was in the rocket the door shut the rocket begin to shake. Then the rocket was going to take off 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 blast off. The rocket was as speeding like Sustain Bolt. Iv shaking it can go back into the past and I went to 1999.
I went to the moon when I was there I went out of the rocket I was moon I walk a big rock. I went back to the rocket I went to earth I saw my then mum when she was a baby she was cute and I saw my Great grandmother.
Thursday, 14 September 2017
The Running Shoes
This week we read the Running shoes. The story is about a cross country race
and a girl had new shoes. where her friend had old shoes but her friend won the race.
Friday, 1 September 2017
Yesterday, all the Year 3s and Year 4s got on a bus to go to the Stardome. Before we left miss king told us to de kid to the pwss
On the way to stardom we were estd to go they when we got they
We eat are food then we play on the playground for 1 hour into we Go in stardome.
At the Stardome, we learned some really cool things about our solar system. We had a it was esse Quiz. After we went to a movie and Learned about space we
Then we watched the movie.
When we weren’t in the Stardome, we were having fun outside. we went to played at the playground.
When we play at the park I was so happy. I played at the
Flying fox. It was fun and I went on the play house when after We have to go to school.
After all this, we headed back to Point England School. When we went to school. We went on the bus. Are goab to stardom is.
Friday, 18 August 2017
want if planet
My planet is weird because it has trees that talk.
The planet has lots of weird people on it. It has big homes for the people. They are cool people I want to play with them and my friend. There are cool gummy worms and gummy bear they fall ffo from the trees.
The moon was made 4.5 billion years a go and it is munch smaller that earth .It is airless waterlines
and lifeless the first person to walk no the moon was the american astronaut Neil r m strong he step of his spacer craft and said these famous words that small step for me one giant leap for
man kind.
and lifeless the first person to walk no the moon was the american astronaut Neil r m strong he step of his spacer craft and said these famous words that small step for me one giant leap for
man kind.
Friday, 11 August 2017
We are learning to find fractions
Thursday, 10 August 2017
Tuesday, 11 July 2017
Zumba Fun
I went to Zumba. I went with my nana, aunty and some of my other friends. Other than exercise we played lots of fun games and we danced all afternoon. We played tag , go home stay home and had fun on the play ground. I got mud and sand all over my socks and shoes. We had fun until nana said it was time to go home before it got dark.
Wednesday, 5 July 2017
Paru has a bath
This we learnt about prepositions and we wrote a story based on our book.
Friday, 30 June 2017
Fairy Bread
On Thursday last week we made fairy bread. Miss Davis gave as some gloves and plates. Then we sat at a table and waited. Next Miss Davis gave some bread. After we got the butter it was slimy.We got our knifes
And spread the butter all over the bread.Later Miss Davis gave us shaped stars sprinkle. After we tipped the sprinkle On the bread. Lastly We ate it.I felt sick because I put too much butter. The Sprinkle look cool
because there are rainbow.
And spread the butter all over the bread.Later Miss Davis gave us shaped stars sprinkle. After we tipped the sprinkle On the bread. Lastly We ate it.I felt sick because I put too much butter. The Sprinkle look cool
because there are rainbow.
Wednesday, 21 June 2017
Rabbit Story.
one day there was some rabbit eaten people and taken the
Cnty all the people ran away they was skad the to reddit daking all of
The people was
Thursday, 15 June 2017
Friday, 26 May 2017
planes planes
On monday room 14 made paper planes. We sat on the
Mat to watch a video. The video was all a about making
the paper planes. I made my planes, I folded my paper in half. Then I did two triangles on the top of paper. Then we had a Competition with our paper planes. Everybody had a turn in the final throw it was kelly vs leigharna and kelly
Won. I felt nervous because I was scared.
Monday, 8 May 2017
Friday, 5 May 2017
At night the sky was black and no one could see where to go.
The taniwha go to sleeps under the water and when people wake the taniwha up he gets them and ents them.
Tamarereti was hungry he want to go fishing bit he was a fnad of the taniwha.
He cach same laga fish and he was taidd.
Tamarereti went for a sleep he woke up in on the beach. tamarereti coken same fish to ent same got same caine dadsa
And fnod them up in the sky Thursday, 6 April 2017
My Bin it movie
This is my movie the environment.
Wednesday, 5 April 2017
Friday, 24 March 2017
Pools we put our towels on the chairs and we went for a shower. We came and listen to
Kat say the roll. Next we climbed in the pool. We went swimming to the island then
swimming back to the wall. After that we did streamline we kicked our feet after we went back to school.
Friday, 17 March 2017
my dragon
The world’s smallest dragon gets it's name because it is small.
It has a hairy tail. It also has two wings. When it breaths fire comes out of the mouth. If I had one I would call it Hendrix because that my name. It would live in my bedroom.We would play tag.
Friday, 17 February 2017
Jack the Robot
Jack was at the dump he is looking for his friend. He made a tape friend and he was happy but 5 mnt after he was loney. He went to a car he got an electric shock. He was broken when He got a electric shock he whent to sit on a lag his friend came. He was happy that he
Had a friend.
Duffy Show
Room 14 and the junior school went to the duff show. It was in the hall we had to help duff boy and global girl do actions.then they went to the fire so that kids can read.
Next Duffy and global girl stop the cyclone. Finally we sang the Duffy song. I like the duff show because it had superheroes.
Saturday, 11 February 2017
About me
Hi my name is Hendrix I go to Pt England school. I like playing games. My favourite colour is light green. My favourite food is pizza bread. Thank you for visiting my blog.
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